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U of I digital ag initiative

U of I digital ag initiative

By Andi Anderson

The University of Illinois Center for Digital Agriculture (CDA) has introduced a new partnership program aimed at strengthening ties between industry members and academia.

This initiative, called the Industry Partner Program (IPP), seeks to address global agricultural challenges through collaboration in technology, research, and professional development.

Launched in June, the IPP offers industry members the chance to work closely with leading researchers and experts to tackle complex problems in agriculture, such as climate change and labor shortages. Members will also gain access to innovative technologies and cutting-edge research to support their strategic goals.

“It’s important for CDA to offer these opportunities for our industry partners,” said John Reid, Executive Director of CDA. “The union between academia and industry has influenced the course of human history in numerous ways, including the evolution of agriculture and food production. We’re excited to continue that collaboration and advance the field even further, together.”

The CDA program is part of the broader NCSA Industry Partner Program, which has been assisting organizations for over 35 years. The CDA was established to help agricultural producers, researchers, and industries adapt to the rapidly changing technological landscape and ensure global food security.

By leveraging connections with the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, the Grainger College of Engineering, and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, the CDA focuses on increasing productivity and sustainability through innovations in automation, data, animal and crop management, and human resources.

The IPP is a significant addition to CDA’s collaborative network, offering tiered member benefits, complimentary registration to CDA-sponsored events, and options to direct membership fees towards research, education, and outreach.

“Dr. Reid’s experiences on both sides of the fence – in corporate and academic leadership roles – have made this partnership possible thanks to his deep understanding of how public-private partnerships can be made a reality,” said McGinty, a representative of the program.

For more information or to join the IPP, interested parties can contact The CDA is eager to welcome new partners to advance the field of digital agriculture together.

Photo Credit: istock-dusanpetkovic

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Categories: Illinois, Education, General

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