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USDA to Follow Up with Illinois Producers on Census

Farmers and ranchers in Illinois still have time to be counted in the 2022 Census of Agriculture, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). Although the deadline for submitting the ag census has just passed, NASS will continue to accept completed census questionnaires through the spring to ensure all farmers and ranchers take advantage of the opportunity to be represented in the widely used data.

"We really appreciate the Census responses from thousands of Illinois farmers and ranchers,” said NASS’s Illinois State Statistician Mark Schleusener. "You are helping us to tell the wonderful story of Illinois agriculture. But the story is not complete until ALL farmers and ranchers have a chance to make their voice heard and ensure their farm is counted. There is still time to respond, by mail or internet."

NASS will continue to follow up with Illinois producers through the spring with mailings, phone calls, and personal visits. Farmers and ranchers are encouraged to complete their ag census either online at or by mail as soon as possible.

Federal law under Title 7 USC 2204(g) Public Law 105-113 mandates that everyone who received the 2022 Census of Agriculture questionnaire complete and return it, even if they are not currently farming. The same law requires NASS to keep all submissions confidential, use the information for statistical purposes only, and publish aggregate data to prevent disclosing the identity of any individual producer or farm operation.

NASS will release the results of the ag census in early 2024.

For assistance with the Census, or for more information, contact the NASS Heartland Regional Field Office at (800) 551-1014 or

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Categories: Illinois, Business

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