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Illinois crop conditions show progress in corn and soybean growth

Illinois crop conditions show progress in corn and soybean growth

By Andi Anderson

In the week ending June 30, 2024, Illinois experienced 5.4 days suitable for fieldwork, allowing farmers to make significant progress in their crops.

The statewide average temperature was 76.1 degrees, which is 1.8 degrees above normal, providing a warm environment for crop growth. Precipitation during this period averaged 1.07 inches, slightly above the normal by 0.13 inches.

Topsoil moisture levels were rated as 11 percent very short, 30 percent short, 58 percent adequate, and 1 percent surplus. Similarly, subsoil moisture was rated 9 percent very short, 28 percent short, 61 percent adequate, and 2 percent surplus, ensuring that most of the state's crops received sufficient water for growth.

Corn development was ahead of the 5-year average, with 17 percent of the crop reaching the silking stage compared to the usual 3 percent.

The condition of the corn crop was generally positive, with 4 percent rated very poor, 6 percent poor, 25 percent fair, 53 percent good, and 12 percent excellent. This indicates that the majority of the corn is in good to excellent condition, promising a healthy yield.

Soybean progress was also notable, with 95 percent of the soybeans emerged, surpassing the 5-year average of 93 percent. Additionally, 25 percent of soybeans were blooming, compared to the average of 10 percent, and 1 percent of soybeans had begun setting pods.

The soybean crop's condition was rated 3 percent very poor, 6 percent poor, 27 percent fair, 56 percent good, and 8 percent excellent, indicating that over half of the soybean crop is in good to excellent condition.

Winter wheat harvest was nearly complete, with 89 percent of the crop harvested for grain, significantly higher than the 5-year average of 68 percent.

This demonstrates that Illinois farmers have efficiently utilized the favorable weather conditions to advance their crop production.

Overall, the crop progress and conditions in Illinois reflect a positive trend, with favorable weather aiding in the development and health of both corn and soybeans.

As the season progresses, continued monitoring and favorable weather will be crucial for maintaining these conditions and ensuring a successful harvest.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-studio2013

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Categories: Illinois, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Weather

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