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Illinois Corn Production Up 2 Percent from 2021

Corn: Planted area is estimated at 10.8 million acres, down 2 percent from last year. Harvested area, forecast at 10.55 million acres, is down 3 percent from 2021. Based on November 1 conditions, the Illinois corn yield is forecast at a record 215 bushels per acre, up 13 bushels from 2021. Production is forecast at 2.27 billion bushels, up 3 percent from last year's production.

Soybeans: Planted area is estimated at 10.8 million acres, up 2 percent from last year. Harvested area, forecast at 10.7 million acres, is up 2 percent from 2021. Based on November 1 conditions, the Illinois soybean yield is forecast at 64 bushels per acre, down 1 bushel per acre from last year. Production is forecast at a 685 million bushels, up less than 1 percent from 2021.

NCF Offering CME Group Beef Scholarships NCF Offering CME Group Beef Scholarships
AT&T, FEMA, Argonne Launch Climate Risk and Resilience Portal AT&T, FEMA, Argonne Launch Climate Risk and Resilience Portal

Categories: Illinois, Business

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