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US agriculture cuts emissions to 10-year low

US agriculture cuts emissions to 10-year low

By Jamie Martin

Good news for the environment! According to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) latest report, US agriculture has achieved its lowest level of greenhouse gas emissions in ten years. This significant progress highlights the commitment of American farmers and ranchers to environmental sustainability.

The report reveals a nearly 2% reduction in agricultural emissions from 2021 to 2022, marking the largest decrease of any economic sector. This translates to a 1.8% drop (or 12 million metric tons) in total emissions compared to the previous year.

Analysts at the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) attribute this achievement to voluntary conservation efforts undertaken by farmers and ranchers. They point out that agriculture contributes less than 10% of total US emissions, and the latest figures indicate a continued decline.

This positive trend suggests that voluntary measures and market-based incentives can be effective in promoting sustainable practices within the agricultural sector.

Photo Credit: american-farm-bureau-federation

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