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Steady progress for Illinois crops

Steady progress for Illinois crops

By Andi Anderson

In the week ending August 18, 2024, Illinois farmers had 5.3 days suitable for fieldwork, allowing crops to continue their development under mixed weather conditions.

The state's average temperature was recorded at 72.9 degrees Fahrenheit, which is 1.0 degree below the normal for this time of year. Meanwhile, the average precipitation across Illinois was 1.20 inches, slightly above the normal level by 0.31 inches.

These weather conditions have had varying impacts on soil moisture. Topsoil moisture supply was reported as 4 percent very short, 14 percent short, 79 percent adequate, and 3 percent surplus.

Similarly, subsoil moisture levels were rated at 4 percent very short, 16 percent short, 77 percent adequate, and 3 percent surplus, reflecting the state's generally adequate water availability.

Corn crops have shown significant progress during this period. Corn in the dough stage reached 85 percent, surpassing the 5-year average of 75 percent. Corn in the dented stage reached 40 percent, well above the 5-year average of 27 percent, and 1 percent of corn is now mature.

The condition of the corn crop was rated as 2 percent very poor, 4 percent poor, 18 percent fair, 56 percent good, and 20 percent excellent, indicating a generally healthy crop.

Soybeans have also advanced well, with 96 percent of the crop blooming, slightly above the 5-year average of 95 percent. Additionally, 89 percent of soybeans are setting pods, compared to the 5-year average of 79 percent.

The condition of the soybean crop was rated as 3 percent very poor, 6 percent poor, 21 percent fair, 53 percent good, and 17 percent excellent.

Overall, Illinois crops are progressing steadily, supported by generally favorable weather conditions, though some areas experience moisture shortages. The continued development of both corn and soybean crops suggests a promising outlook for the harvest season.

Photo Credit: istock-oticki

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Categories: Illinois, Crops, Weather

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