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Illinois AG Highlights Governing Assistance for Veterans and Their Families

Attorney General Kwame Raoul highlighted changes to the Military Veterans Assistance Act (MVAA) that improve oversight of county veterans assistance commissions and allow the Attorney General’s office to enforce the act.

The MVAA was amended and passed by the Illinois General Assembly in May 2022 and established minimum funding requirements for county veterans assistance commissions (VACs) that are located throughout Illinois.

However, the law lacked mechanisms for oversight and accountability for the expenditure of those funds.

The Attorney General’s office advocated for changes to clarify the authority and obligations of those governed by the act, which were signed into law in February. As a result, the Attorney General’s office will be able to investigate and prosecute violations of the MVAA that have, in past years, resulted in multiple lawsuits and expenditures of monies that could have been better used providing assistance to veterans and their families.

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Categories: Illinois, Government & Policy

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