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Illinois winter wheat crop forecast down 17%

Illinois winter wheat crop forecast down 17%

By Andi Anderson

The USDA's latest Illinois Crop Production report paints a less promising picture for the state's winter wheat crop. The report estimates a 17% decline in overall production compared to 2023.

This decrease is attributed to two key factors:

  • Reduced Harvested Area: The USDA forecasts a 13% reduction in the harvested area for winter wheat in Illinois this year, totaling 680,000 acres.
  • Lower Yields: Winter wheat yields are also expected to be down, with an average forecast of 83 bushels per acre. This represents a 4-bushel decline compared to the previous year.

Due to these factors, the USDA predicts total production of 56.4 million bushels of winter wheat in Illinois for 2024. This is a significant drop from the 67.8 million bushels produced in 2023.

While the reasons behind these revisions are not explicitly stated in the report, weather conditions and potential pest or disease issues could be contributing factors.

Farmers in Illinois should closely monitor their crops and consult with local agricultural experts for guidance throughout the growing season.

Photo Credit: depositphotos-simazoran

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Categories: Illinois, Crops, Wheat, Weather

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