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Early Planting Increases Yield in Low Fertility Soybean Fields

Early Planting Increases Yield in Low Fertility Soybean Fields

By Andi Anderson

A recent study by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign reveals that unfertilized soybean fields with lower soil fertility benefit from early planting. This challenges previous beliefs that high soil fertility is essential for higher yields.

Researchers found that earlier planting gives soybean plants a longer growing season, allowing for better photosynthesis, bigger plants, and higher seed production.

The study, led by Professor Fred Below and his team, analyzed soil test values and planting dates across multiple Illinois counties. Results showed that high-fertility fields only produced better yields when planted late.

Many farmers do not fertilize soybean crops, relying instead on soil tests to determine nutrient availability. However, traditional soil test sufficiency values have not been updated since the 1960s, leading researchers to question their reliability with modern farming techniques.

The study collected data from 133 unfertilized soybean trials between 2014 and 2021. Researchers found that soil fertility had a stronger impact on yield for late-planted soybeans than for early-planted ones.

This suggests that early planting allows plants more time to absorb nutrients naturally, reducing dependence on high-fertility soil.

Experts emphasize that these findings apply specifically to unfertilized soybean fields. Additional management strategies, such as fertilization and irrigation, may influence yield outcomes. Farmers aiming to maximize overall farm yield should consider planting early in low-fertility fields and late in high-fertility fields for the best results.

This study highlights the importance of adjusting planting strategies to optimize yield, providing valuable insights for soybean growers looking to improve production efficiency.

Photo Credit: istock-oticki

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Categories: Illinois, Crops, Soybeans, Sustainable Agriculture

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