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AgrAbility Helps Illinois Farmers Overcome Health Challenges to Keep Farming

AgrAbility Helps Illinois Farmers Overcome Health Challenges to Keep Farming

AgrAbility, a program funded by the United States Department of Agriculture, is making a significant impact in Illinois by assisting farmers and agricultural workers facing health challenges. With approximately 70,700 farms in operation in the state, many individuals involved in farming encounter various health or physical limitations.

Illinois AgrAbility, led by Dr. Josie Rudolphi, offers resources and solutions tailored to different challenges, including neuropathy, arthritis, disabilities, chronic conditions, and vision problems. The program encourages farmers, agricultural workers, and their families to reach out for assistance, as AgrAbility strives to help them maintain their independence and continue their farming activities.

Over its three-decade history, Illinois AgrAbility has successfully provided farmers with workarounds and recommendations, facilitating contact with providers and services that aid in managing farm chores despite age and disabilities. Thanks to a federal grant secured in 2022, the program now has additional funding to dispatch personnel who can visit farms and offer specific recommendations.

By connecting farmers to services offered by partner organizations like the Illinois Department of Rehabilitation Services, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Community Health Partnership of Illinois, and the Illinois Assistive Technology Program, AgrAbility ensures that farmers are aware of and can access programs they qualify for.

For more information, interested individuals can visit the AgrAbility Unlimited website or contact program coordinator Haley Jones at (217) 244-2948 .


Photo Credit: pexels-pixabay

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