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WIU livestock center completes major renovations

WIU livestock center completes major renovations

By Andi Anderson

The Western Illinois University (WIU) School of Agriculture (Ag) proudly announces the completion of significant renovations to its on-campus Livestock Center.

This project was made possible by a generous $10,000 Community Building Grant from Compeer Financial and additional support from Mark Hoge and the Ag Legacy Sale funds.

"We are very excited about the new facelift in the Livestock Center as we were able to get new flooring in the main hallway, classroom, and two bathrooms," said WIU Ag Director Andy Baker.

"We were also able to replace the old bathroom fixtures with new fixtures including toilets, sinks, towel dispensers, soap dispensers, and mirrors. This renovation project will certainly modernize the look of the Livestock Center, which is our primary facility for recruitment events."

The renovation project aims to enhance the experience for both current students and prospective recruits.

The Livestock Center serves as a central hub for the School of Agriculture, which boasts over 200 actively participating students and an impressive 93% retention rate across the department.

"We are very grateful that we were awarded a $10,000 Compeer Financial Community Building Grant as well as Dr. Mark Hoge and the Ag Legacy Sale funds to make this renovation project a reality," added Baker. "We also appreciate the assistance of WIU's Facilities Management staff for making sure this project reached the finish line."

Compeer Financial, a member-owned cooperative, serves and supports agriculture and rural communities by providing financial services including loans, leases, and risk management.

They are known for championing the hopes and dreams of rural America through various grants, including those for higher education institutions and agricultural facilities.

The newly renovated Livestock Center is expected to greatly improve the learning and recruitment environment for WIU students. With new flooring and upgraded bathroom fixtures, the facility now offers a more modern and inviting atmosphere.

These improvements will benefit the entire School of Agriculture community, fostering a better educational experience and aiding in the recruitment of future students.

The completion of this renovation project marks a significant milestone for WIU’s School of Agriculture, demonstrating a strong commitment to providing top-notch facilities for its students.

The continued support from organizations like Compeer Financial and contributions from dedicated individuals ensure that the school remains a leader in agricultural education.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-poike

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Categories: Illinois, Education

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