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'Grow With Us' at Conservation World at Illinois State Fair

From 3D archery and butterfly tagging to canoe rides and Copi sampling, families are invited to enjoy the fun and excitement of the outdoors at Conservation World during the 2022 Illinois State Fair in Springfield, open through Aug. 21 and hosted by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR).

Conservation World will be open 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily during the fair.

This year, IDNR will offer free samples of a Copi dish from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. the first weekend of the fair, Aug. 12-14. Copi is the new brand name for invasive carp launched by IDNR in June.

"We invite families and children to 'grow with us' at Conservation World, where they can learn about everything from archery, fishing and pollinators, to mining, forestry and habitat management. There truly is something for everyone to enjoy at Conservation World," said IDNR Director Colleen Callahan. "Families are our focus, with free activities and entertainment that will provide a great day at the fair for visitors of all ages."

During the fair, visitors to Conservation World will be able to purchase hunting and fishing licenses, pick up state park guides, purchase collectible lapel pins, and talk to IDNR staff and conservation officers about wildlife, laws and other topics.

Among the entertainment, exhibits and attractions offered at Conservation World this year:

  • Youth 3D archery
  • Fishing clinics for children, and fly-fishing clinics for youth and adults
  • Smokey Bear available for pictures at 11:15 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. daily
  • Monarch butterfly tag and release Youth BB gun range hosted by Illinois Conservation Police Voyageur canoe rides at the Conservation World pond
  • Rock-climbing wall
  • See-through aquarium featuring sport fish that are popular in Illinois waters, hosted by IDNR's fisheries staff
  • Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show
  • Music in the IDNR outdoor amphitheater
  • Win a camping giveaway and visit with state park and historic site staff at IDNR's Office of Land Management tent.
  • Information and exhibits about snakes of Illinois at the IDNR education tent
  • Interactive exhibits and activities for all ages at the IDNR wildlife tent
  • Leaf identification and tree management information with IDNR's forestry staff
  • Learn about pollinators and butterflies in Illinois and how to create a pollinator habitat
  • Children's mineral dig, underground mine models, exhibits about convention oil and gas practices, and more at the IDNR Mines and Minerals/Oil and Gas tent
  • View the water table hosted by the Office of Water Resources and learn about the Illinois Coastal Management Program
  • Hands-on activities and demonstrations for all ages hosted by the Illinois Chapter of the American Chemical Society, and activities and recycling games hosted by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
  • Visit with representatives from various wildlife and hunting organizations at the Sportsmen Tent and pick up free copies of Outdoor News Magazine
  • Food available in Conservation World this year includes wood-fired pizza, barbecue, ice cream, homemade root beer, shaved ice, kettle korn, pork rinds and candy.

Conservation World is a 30-acre park with grass, park benches, ponds and shade trees located on the northwest corner of the Illinois State Fairgrounds adjacent to the IDNR headquarters building. Nearly every area of oversight covered by IDNR will be represented with activities, presentations and educational materials. For more information, including details about times for shows and activities, visit

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