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AI tackles resistant weeds head-on

AI tackles resistant weeds head-on

By Andi Anderson

Farmers are increasingly relying on artificial intelligence (AI) as a powerful tool to combat the growing challenge of resistant weeds.

These stubborn plants, which have adapted to survive multiple chemical treatments, pose a significant threat to crop production. With traditional herbicides losing effectiveness, AI presents a promising solution by accelerating the development of new, more effective weed killers.

Major agricultural companies like Bayer, Corteva, and Syngenta are investing heavily in AI technology to speed up the discovery of new herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides.

Bob Reiter, head of R&D at Bayer’s agricultural division, expressed the urgency of the situation, stating, “We’re getting a bit desperate. Our options are running out.” Bayer's AI system, known as ‘CropKey’, can rapidly analyze data to identify chemical molecules capable of breaking down the protein structure of weeds. This approach has the potential to yield better results in field tests compared to traditional methods.

The integration of AI in agriculture is not just about speed. Syngenta estimates that AI could reduce the time required to bring a new pesticide from discovery to commercialization by five years, cutting laboratory and field tests by 30%.

This advancement is crucial in an industry where the introduction of new herbicides has been stagnant for decades. Additionally, AI allows for early toxicity screenings, ensuring that new pesticides are safe for crops intended for human consumption.

One notable success of AI in herbicide development is Bayer’s new product, Icafolin, which is expected to be launched in Brazil by 2028.

This herbicide will be the first of its kind introduced in over thirty years, offering farmers a much-needed tool in the fight against resistant weeds. Sean Elliott, a sixth-generation farmer from Illinois, highlighted the urgency of these advancements, stating, “It’s unbelievable how quickly weeds adapt. If we don’t come up with something new to keep them in check, we risk substantial crop losses.”

However, the use of AI in developing new chemicals has sparked concerns. Critics, such as Jay Feldman, director of Beyond Pesticides, warn of a ‘pesticide treadmill’, where the continuous development of new chemicals may only lead to more resistant superweeds.

Feldman advocates for reducing chemical use, emphasizing that relying on AI to create new pesticides could exacerbate the problem.

As the agricultural sector navigates these challenges, AI emerges as a critical ally in the ongoing battle against superweeds, offering both innovation and caution in safeguarding future food supplies.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-zoomtravels

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Categories: Illinois, Rural Lifestyle, Farm Safety

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